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Protecting Creativity and Innovation
Cotman IP
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How we can help you

Owning a patent gives its owner exclusive rights to the patented invention for a limited time. An issued patent grants its owner a real property interest in the claimed invention. We believe having a patent should mean something and that being an inventor on an issued patent ought to have value. It is for this reason that we actively advocate for independent inventors and small businesses to address the rampant pillaging and disregard for intellectual property rights that has become customary amongst big corporations.

Those who wish to make use of a patented invention require a license from the patent owner. Not all patents are licensable however and many of the ideas that are patented are never practiced. We know the difference between high value patents and low or no value patents. If you own a patent and are unsure of its value we can help. Our thorough vetting and due diligence process is focused on identifying patents of value. When we find one that is valuable, we carefully evaluate possible use cases and identify a list of potential licensees. We've negotiated hundreds of license agreements and know what it takes to get patent owners paid for their inventions.  

Sometimes litigation is required to engage licensees in a realization about what is at stake. When this happens, we actively utilize the court system to press our case forward in good faith. Here are some examples of successful monetization efforts:

  • Motile Optics, LLC vs Samsung, et al.
  • Tzu Technologies, LLC vs Internet Services, Inc. et al.
  • USB Technologies, LLC vs SanDisk Corporation, et al.
  • Moto Boost Technologies, LLC vs Home Shopping Network, et al.

Also, here is an interesting fact about Cotman IP Law Group. We have the second largest caseload of plaintiff-side patent cases.